Sunday, June 27, 2010

How to post to twitter using Command line in windows

Well i found this post interesting :-)

By now, just about everyone knows about the Twitter Command Line Client for Linux. Ever since I started using it, I fell in love and I’ve been looking for something similar for Windows. Well, I’ve finally found it: The Twitter CLI is a simple tool that lets you post updates toTwitter from the Windows Command Line or, my favorite, the Run dialog.


The small file is located at (local mirror).


  1. Extract the contents of the Twitter file into your Windows folder, which is located at:
  2. Open the Twitter.bat file in Notepad (right-click, then choose Edit) and enter your Twitter user name and password in the appropriate fields:
    set username=YourTwitterUserName
    set password=YourTwitterPassword
  3. Save the file and close Notepad.

Update Twitter Via Command Line

Now you are able to Tweet via your Windows Command Line:

  1. Hit the Windows Key+R
  2. Type in the following:
    twitter ""
    Enter your status between the quotes.
  3. Hit OK or the Enter on your keyboard.

That’s all there is to it! If you want your update to read: I’m eating over my keyboard and making a mess! You would enter:
twitter "I'm eating over my keyboard and making a mess!"


  • The message must be less than 140 characters, which is Twitter’s limit.
  • It’s not necessary to use quotation marks in your update but will be needed if you’re inputting a URL in your message:
    twitter "I just added a great picture to Flickr"

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